What Makes us Different?

Scroll through the pillars to learn about our Injury Prevention Education, Anti-Pay to Play philosophy, and the Hero’s Spotlight. These three pillars make us extra special and help to bring a refreshing ideology to the soccer world.

1. Injury Prevention Education

The Issue

In the modern world, ACL tears are as common as sprained ankles. Young athletes miss out on games, seasons, and even years. Why? It’s a complete shame.

The root of the problem is the lack of education on injury prevention in youth athletics. Too many athletic careers are stunted—or completely squashed—because we fail to teach young athletes the limits of their bodies and how to properly protect themselves.

Soccer-related injuries from a study 2014-2023 (Linked)

The Heroes’ Plan

Hodgepodge Heroes is committed to changing that. With the help of research and aspiring physical therapists like Stas Sarna, we are continuously developing strategies to reduce injury risks for players.

Whether warming up, cooling down, strengthening, or recovering, athletes as young as 13 should begin to learn simple routines and exercises that could transform, and save, their athletic lives.

We look forward to launching our programs soon, helping young athletes protect their futures and stay in the game.

Stas Sarna
Aspiring Physical Therapist

“As A high-school athlete, I have seen too many teammates on crutches or in surgery. I want to find a way to prevent that!”

2. Anti-Pay to Play

We promise to provide opportunities. We promise to evaluate anyone. We promise to never host a fake tryout. We promise to select the best.

We are the Hodgepodge Heroes and we are anti pay-to-play.

In the United States, the “pay-to-play” model in youth soccer creates a financial barrier that limits access to the sport. High costs for club fees, travel, and training exclude talented players from lower-income backgrounds, reducing diversity and limiting the growth of the game.

The beauty in soccer comes from the diversity of its players. The way to improve soccer at any level is to increase the amount of creativity and uniqueness. Lets increase the talent pool and destroy the barriers!

Our goal is to create elite-level teams that compete with no club fees. 

While there may be teams within the club that come with a cost, our goal is to fund our top level teams to play solely based on their ability and personalities.

In the summer, HPHFC hosted two scrimmages that were open to all friends, family, and fans to join! We plan to introduce our goal piece by piece with actions like these! 

3. Hero's Spotlight

At Hodgepodge Heroes, we seek out individuals, groups, and organizations using innovation to create positive change. Our goal is to find and support true heroes—people with ideas that can transform the world. We believe in the power of social entrepreneurship and are dedicated to nurturing these changemakers in every way possible.

Once we team up with a partner, we focus on promoting their message to both their communities and ours. With the support of our dedicated base, we shine a spotlight on what makes our partners true heroes. By collaborating with HPH, our partners can expand their platforms and continue to inspire others to follow in their footsteps.

Whether you’re an emerging entrepreneur or have an established brand, we want to connect! If you have an idea or know someone who could benefit from our help, let us know. Together, we can make a lasting impact.